Project “Cultural bridge through the centuries” CBC006.2.21.107
Center for Development of East Planning Region is launching a tender procedure for CONSERVATION AND RESTAURATION OF THE CHURCH "Sveti Vlasie", Archeological Site ISAR-Shtip, Republic of North Macedonia with Ref. № CBC006.2.21.107 / 02. The tender procedure is under the implementation of project “Cultural bridge through the centuries” - CBC006.2.21.107 with financial assistance from the Interreg - IPA CBC Programme Bulgaria – North Macedonia Programme 2014 - 2020. The tender dossier is available for inspection at Center for Development of East Planning Region, str. Vancho Prke 119, second floor, 2000 Stip and published on following websites:;;
The deadline for submission of tender is 06.04.2020, 10:00 (local time). Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on following websites:;
The tender dossier is available HERE.