Centre for Development of East Planning Region - Stip and Business Information and Consulting Centre - Sandanski, on January 20, 2014 (Monday) in the municipality of Sandanski, Reublic of Bulgaria, held a final press conference to present the results of the project "Promotion and protection of biodiversity Malesevo mountains - Males ", a project funded by the Program for Cross-Border Cooperation between Republic of Macedonia and Republic of Bulgaria 2007 - 2013, Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance CCI Number 2007CB16IPO007.
The event was conducted in the conference room of a hotel " Sveti Nikola " , Municipality Sandanski, Republic of Bulgaria. At the final press conference were presented the activities and events that were conducted on the territory of two border regions as well as the final results of the project, such as the analysis of biodiversity protection Malesevo mountains, Information Guide for the promotion and protection of biodiversity Malesevo mountains, worked interactive web portal www.maleshmountain.eu, promotional stickers for species, presenting the future activities of the newly created partnership network for cooperation between organizations and institutions operating in the field of protection and promotion of biodiversity as well as a retrospective of the events conducted within the project .
The final press conference was attended by representatives of local governments within the border region, representatives of NGOs, environmental organizations, educational institutions and local and regional media.
All participants receieved package of promotional, informational materials developed under the project MALES, with discussion notes about the future measures and activities for the promotion and protection biodiversity of Malesevo mountains. At the end of the event, there was complete view of both developed video clips of the project which will be broadcast through regional media and different web portals in cross-border region.