On the 19th December 2012, we mark the Day of the city "19th December - St. Nicholas", the patron protector of the city Shtip, and also "Promotional Day of the East Planning Region".
According to the program of celebration, it started with Liturgy in the Cathedral "St Nicholas", and after that it continued with Litija on the route: Cathedral "St Nicholas" to "Marshal Tito" at the town square .
In the small hall of the Municipality was held an tourist promotion of the East Planning Region and the Centre for development of EPR, where there were promoted promotional materials developed as part of the project "Regional Marketing", funded by GIZ RED Program for Regional Development of the Republic of Macedonia. Also, there was promotion of the tourist map and tourist brochure of the East Planning Region. Also, there was presentation of the the video film "Turn to the East" as part of the project, which presents the tourism potential and beauty of all 11 municipalities in the Easte Planning Region .