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SEEMORE Central European Transfer Seminar

Representatives from 16 tourist destinations in 7 countries, namely Lezhe and Tirana (Albania); Tuzla and Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina); Sofia (Bulgaria); Zadar and Varazdin (Croatia); Stip and Ohrid (Macedonia); Baau, Costinesti and Bucharest (Romania); Novi Sad, Sremski Karlovci, Arandjelovac and Belgrade (Serbia) gathered in Bucharest on 30 October 2014 to attend the second SEEMORE Central European Transfer Seminar.

The seminar was organised by the CEI in the framework of the SEEMORE Project (Sustainable and Energy Efficient Mobility Options in tourist Regions in Europe), funded by the EU Programme Intelligent Energy Europe.

SEEMORE aims at enhancing the use of sustainable transport modes by tourists and the purpose of the seminar was to favour the transfer of the best practices and successful approaches developed within the project to other CEI tourist destinations. During the event, representatives of the SEEMORE regions of Dobrich (Bulgaria) and Limassol (Cyprus) presented the innovative measures developed within the project, such as sustainable mobility tourist guides, targeted awareness campaigns and specific cooperation schemes with hotels and other stakeholders from the tourism industry.

All participants showed deep interest in the topic and shared their ideas and opinions on the project activities. Many guests envisaged the possibility of introducing SEEMORE-like measures in their respective areas, expressing their satisfaction for the fruitful exchange of information that took place at the event.