One of the activities in the project "Programme for Conservation of Nature in Macedonia" is to strengthen the capacity of the Centre for development planning of the East Planning Region. For that purpose, representatives of the Centre for development of East Planning Region participated in the Seminar "Internal and external audit of EU funded programs and projects." The seminar was held from 24-26 November Street in 2014 in Barcelona, Spain.
The purpose of the seminar was the participants to gain a full overview and detailed understanding of the practical aspects of control and audit of EU funds in the programming period 2007-2013 and for the upcoming 2014-2020.
The seminar of representatives of the European Court of Auditors in charge of audit and EU programs and projects were presented following topics, experiences and views:
- Audit and Control in the programming period 2014-2020, results, mechanisms, challenges and changes introduced in relation to the programming period 2007-2013,
- Fraud protection and its role in the management and implementation process of the EU funds,
- Organization of internal control in different models applied by users of EU structural funds. Success factors for effective system of internal control for greater absorption of EU funds,
- External Audit - European Court of Auditors
- The efficiency of the audit,
- Review of State Aid
- Audit of public procurement.
All these topics were presented through examples discovered how the frauds were deteced, as well as actions for solved cases. The participants again presented their experiences with the European Court of Auditors.