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Signed contract for preparation of the "Guide for investment in East Planning Region"

On February 11, 2015, the Centre for Development of East Planning Region signed the Contract for preparation of "Guide for investment in East Planning Region" within the project" Establishment of Business Center for support and consulting services for small and medium enterprises in East Planning Region ".

On the basis of the Law for balanced regional development, as well as on the Programme of the Government of the Republic Macedonia for balanced regional development in 2014, in order to increase the competitiveness of the planning regions by supporting small and medium enterprises and entrepreneurship, established Business Support Centers and consulting services for small and medium enterprises within the existing development centers in the planning regions. Such Center was established in the East Planning Region, which should complement existing services aimed at businesses in quality-expediency - aplicable - increased menu of services and range of users.

The company that will prepare the "Guide for investment in East Region" is a company for consulting and services Gestalt Solutions DOO Stip.

The main goal of the project activity is to improve access to relevant data and information on potential locations, full presentation for the region and promote the potentials and investment opportunities and attracting "greenfield" and "brownfield" investments, data for industrial and economic zones and their features through well organized mapping of available locations, subjects and objects, with general purpose to attract domestic and foreign investment in specific industries.

Besides the main purpose other goals to be achieved are: identifying and highlighting the comparative advantages of the planning area, better positioning of the planning region for potential domestic and foreign investors in relation to the other regions of the Republic of Macedonia and strategic presentation of all the advantages of region in order to attract domestic and foreign investors.

The Guide for investment in EPR should be directed towards improving access to information for potential investors, the business community, municipalities and other stakeholders.

The Guide for investment in East Planning Region would include: general section, a collection of industrial / economic zones and industrial zones map of the EPR.