On October 5, 2020, the Center for Development of the East Planning Region signed the Contract for public procurement of works for: "Upgrading and reconstruction of the Home for the Elderly - Berovo" in accordance with the Agreement for realization of the investment project from the Project Grant Scheme " "Sustainable and inclusive balanced regional development."
The company that won the tender for public procurement of works is "Gradezhnik Ing Doel import - export Berovo" in a total value of 7,371,597.57 denars including VAT.
The project is funded by the Ministry of Local Self-Government and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.
At the same time, the Center for Development of the East Planning Region started the construction activities for the project "Upgrading and reconstruction of the Home for the Elderly - Berovo".
The contractor "Gradezhnik Ing Doel import - export Berovo" is expected to complete the project in about 2 months.
The purpose of the project is reconstruction with adaptation of the existing building and extension of an auxiliary room (boiler room) which will increase the capacity to accommodate 10 elderly people in the region. At the same time, care for the elderly and frail, as well as adjustment to the new draft legal measures for protection of the elderly.